
System shock 2 character creation
System shock 2 character creation

system shock 2 character creation

I went the Navy route this time and will hope that I can find/buy enough ammo to make it through the game without resorting to flailing desperately with a wrench on the final level. My new character is ditching the whole Psi angle (I didn’t like holding that ball on the screen all of the time anyway) to focus on small arms and hacking. So I did a little research and took advice from SS2 experts as to what I should roll. System Shock 2 is not a very forgiving game to a badly planned character - and I have no patience for playing one. I’m returning after a little bit of a break from all of this depressing dead-ship-in-space madness with a firm decision: I need to reroll my character. You can follow the entire series on the Nostalgia Lane page.) (This is part of my journey playing through System Shock 2.

System shock 2 character creation